Monday, October 17, 2011

Roof Project

1.  In this project, we worked in a group to build a model of a roof style.  We did the style of Gable.

Gable Roof System
Colin Ritter, Dan Sullivan, Matt Scattergood, Blake Otterlei


Gable Roof structures are the simplest of the all the types of roofs. They are just two flat slopes jointing together at the ridge, which gives it a triangular appearance.

Some advantages of Gable roof structures are it is economically affordable; water easily flows off the roof, and they can withhold heavy snow fall. A disadvantage is they are one of the worst roof designs for hurricanes because the roof can easily peel off from the wind.

Gable roofs are found in mountainous locations, higher altitude locations, and other areas that have heavy snowfall. Gable roofs are also found in low income areas where price is a factor.  

4. I learned a lot about the different layers in a roof to make it durable.
I liked the freedom we had in our models.
I disliked the hot glue because i burned myself about 20 times
Next time i would be more careful with the hot glue and make sure we had enough popsicle sticks (we ran low)

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