Friday, October 28, 2011

Shed Activity-Revit

1. In this project we got to create a shed in the computor progam-Revit.  We started from the very begining creating the floor justs to the finished shed.  It was very fun to lern how to use the new program and see how advanced it is. 

3. I learned that revit is a very cool program and is fun to use and design on.  I also learned that it must take a lot of work to build even a simple, two-roomed shed.
I think it was challenging to have to figure out how to use revit because it is new to me.
Desiging a shed is revelent to me because in this class we are learning about this topic.  I might like to build a shed with my uncle and after this project i know alot more about the topic.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Roof Project

1.  In this project, we worked in a group to build a model of a roof style.  We did the style of Gable.

Gable Roof System
Colin Ritter, Dan Sullivan, Matt Scattergood, Blake Otterlei


Gable Roof structures are the simplest of the all the types of roofs. They are just two flat slopes jointing together at the ridge, which gives it a triangular appearance.

Some advantages of Gable roof structures are it is economically affordable; water easily flows off the roof, and they can withhold heavy snow fall. A disadvantage is they are one of the worst roof designs for hurricanes because the roof can easily peel off from the wind.

Gable roofs are found in mountainous locations, higher altitude locations, and other areas that have heavy snowfall. Gable roofs are also found in low income areas where price is a factor.  

4. I learned a lot about the different layers in a roof to make it durable.
I liked the freedom we had in our models.
I disliked the hot glue because i burned myself about 20 times
Next time i would be more careful with the hot glue and make sure we had enough popsicle sticks (we ran low)

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Design Charette

1. In this project we all took up important rolls in making our bridge.  My job was the health and safety engineer so i got to research what they do and act like one in our charette.


3.Here are our notes:

10/4/11 1:19-2:02 pm

Dan: Health/Safety Engineer
Mark: Environmental Engineer
Collin: Cost Estimator
Trip: Structural Engineer
Blake: Architectural Engineer

Dan's concerns:
Everything we use is safe for the environment
Site must be safe at all times

Trip's concerns:
Has to be pleasing to the eye
Withstand tornadoes/hurricanes/earthquakes/river

Collin's concerns:
Stay within budget

Blake's concerns:
Design and construction of bridge

Mark's concerns:
Must not pollute air/water

Design Plan:
Build a bridge with a series of arches.  For the boating dock, build a simple runway to drop off boats and also create another building for people to throw away waste since the boat dock will create a lot of human traffic.

Possibly use steel instead of concrete for costs reasons
Use concrete so it will hold up better to weather conditions, since the bridge is going to be located in the wetlands.
Boad dock: create small for fishing and other small vessells
Make public facilities for waste and other various uses
Possible public facilities:
Rest stop
Bait Shop
McDonald's/Burger King/Wendy's
Public Restrooms - city planner says no using only McDonald's restrooms

Trip and Blake are currently working on the sketches


5. -I learned that charrettes are really important for making a structure
-I liked the responsibility each of us had to make sure our job wad done thouroughly
-I think it would have been more fun to get to pick what we wanted to build
-I would make better sketches before diving right into the final poster next time