Friday, February 17, 2012

Keystone Commercial Floor

We used the activity we did yesterday to determine the type of floor we wanted to use in our Keystone Library.  I chose pre-cast concrete floor because it is lighter and cheaper and easier to install. 

This was an easy revision of our kestone library.  All we had to do was change the structure of the floor to make it match the type of floor we decided to use.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Card Buildings- Dan Matt and Mike

In this project we constructed a structure out of playing cards and tape.  We tried to make the strongest structure with the least mass.  Our preliminary structural efficiency rating was 165.76 pounds.  To increase our number, we took off lots of tape and decreased the mass of our structure. We got second in our class.  Joe's structure got first.  The cylinder tube model worked the best.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Roof research and section view

Low slope roof treatments and walking surfaces
1. Step tuff - walkable roof panels
2. the upper system has the unique layer of a root barrier, preventing the roots from growing into the roof.  The lower system has the unique layer of filter fleace.