Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Plumbing Plan Support Document

1. We leaned about plumbing of our structures yesterday.  Today, we printed off a picture of our floor plan and inserted hot, cold, and drain pipes for our house.  We used different colors to signify the different pipes and used a key to label them. 

3. As we keep on moving forward with the project, our objectives keep getting more detailed.  I still think it would have been better to do all the site plan objectives before making the whole house, but i don't mind doing it now.  I think it is really cool to not only see the work of what goes into a house, but get to understand it and do it ourselves.  Im glad we get to do this.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Site Plan

1. We used our site plan and inserted a driveway, sidewalk, landscape, and water lines.  We got to see how the water system is layed out on a site plan.  We learned that our building abilities are limited by our foundation limitation line.

3. As we continue with our project, we go more into detail with the procedure.  I think it would have been nice to get this out of the way before making the whole house.  I would have prefered to end the project by completing the house.  However, i think it is good to learn about site plans and water systems

Friday, January 6, 2012

Support Drawings

Once we finished making our houses on revit, we sarted to learn about electricity.  We printed out our bare floor plan to draw on our electrical plan using outlets, switches and bulbs.  Once that was done, we inserted an electrical panel and box onto our houses and I inserted skylights to improve daylighting.

Electrical Box is in lower left 

I enjoyed learning about electricity and lighting in a house.  I feel like i understand it alot better now.  It was cool to go back to our revit drawings and change and insert things to make our house more effective and improved daylighting by using skylights.  I think this project has been really fun so far and i can't wait to completely finish my house.