Friday, September 30, 2011


1. In this project we answered questions about what we think our job as a civil engineer or architect might look like 10 years in the future.  Also, we contacted a current civil engineer or archittect to answer the same questions about their job and outside life.

2. Emailed about trouble with uploading...

3. Eric Morin, World Architects and Engineers, eric.s.morin@gmail.c​om

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Architectural Style Project Review

1.  For our architectural style project, we got to pick a style of architecture to research and build a model of.  I got to learn alot about the cubic style architecture and it was very interesting to get to build my own model.  It was very fun.

3. I learned alot about cubic style architecture.  It is a very interesting design.  One of my friend's new house is a cubic style and it looks really cool.  I also learned that making models takes time and pacience.  Also, i learned to make sure all my edges are level with each other!  I liked the freedom we got with this project.  We could do any kind of model we wanted, and we could use any materials we wanted.  It was really cool that some people coppied a design from the computer, and some people cam up with their totally own idea.  I think it would have been nice to have a little more time to work on our models.  It took me a while to decide what i wanted to do with my model and i felt rushed to get it done on time.  I think my model would have looked alot nicer if i could have more time.  For example my corners could have been alot more precise and the excess glue could have been removed.  Things i would do differently would be planning before diving right in, and being more careful with my cuts.  If I would have planned more, my design could have looked cooler and it would have been easier to make.  Also, if I was more careful with my cuts it would look alot nicer.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Architecture Review

1.  I researched the split level style architecture.  I looked up information suck as the era, popularity, principles/elements, and the materials used in a split level style house.



4. I think it was a good assignment and it helped me understand the style of architecture.   Making it only 4 slides made me get the important information in there and I think that is a good idea.